In many ways The Business Blockchain is like Blockchain Revolution. William Mougayar does a great job of touching on key aspects of Bitcoin and Blockchain. He covers design principles, business opportunities, and challenges. It's definitely early and speculative, but I enjoyed the wide range of examples. A little less rosey in outlook, the book provides a more balanced view of the new technology.
Key Takeaways
Memorable Quotes
Rating: 8/10
This all felt familiar after reading Blockchain Revolution. I'm sure if I read them in the opposite order, I'd feel otherwise. Still a great view of the new tech. A good overview for someone in business with a slight technical leaning. Like the internet, blockchain seems likely to touch every industry. Even if it doesn't, I'd recommend getting familiar with the benefits of the new technology.
I'm in search of my next book on Crypto or the Blockchain. If you know of anything worth reading, please share!
Key Takeaways
- Blockchain is a new layer of trust built upon the peer to peer internet.
- Blockchain is a new economic paradigm.
- With blockchain, I no longer need to trust a person, I only need to trust physics and math.
- Blockchain pushes value from centralized intermediaries to the edges of the network.
Memorable Quotes
- People do not buy fortune cookies because they taste better than every other cookie on the shelf. They buy them for the delight they deliver at the end of a meal. Marketers spend most of their time selling the cookie, when what they should be doing is finding a way to create a better fortune. Of course your job is to bake a good cookie, the very best that you can, but you must also spend time figuring out how to tell a great story.
- Online identity and reputation will be decentralized. We will own the data that belongs to us.
- There will be dozens of commonly used, global virtual currencies that will be considered mainstream, and their total market value will exceed $5 trillion, and represent 5% of the world’s $100 trillion economy in 2025.
- Today, we google for everything, mostly information or products. Tomorrow, we will perform the equivalent of “googling” to verify records, identities, authenticity, rights, work done, titles, contracts, and other valuable asset-related processes. There will be digital ownership certificates for everything.
- The uncertainties, however, cannot be used as an excuse to hold up what must be done. All of us engaged are pioneers on a journey, and we have a responsibility to keep sharing what we are learning, so we can keep lighting the way for those that are behind us. It may take us longer to arrive at our destinations, but it will certainly help the followers, and they will pay us back by making the market bigger and easier to navigate.
Rating: 8/10
This all felt familiar after reading Blockchain Revolution. I'm sure if I read them in the opposite order, I'd feel otherwise. Still a great view of the new tech. A good overview for someone in business with a slight technical leaning. Like the internet, blockchain seems likely to touch every industry. Even if it doesn't, I'd recommend getting familiar with the benefits of the new technology.
I'm in search of my next book on Crypto or the Blockchain. If you know of anything worth reading, please share!