The subtitle for this book is: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future. The book covers a process anyone can take to start a simple business that generates a profit. That could be a lifestyle business, a consultancy, or a high-growth startup. In any case, you now have a clear path to success. I'm not saying you won't fail along the way, but you can continue to refine using this process until you don't.
Key Takeaways
Memorable Quotes
Rating: 9/10
This is a simple, powerful playbook to starting a simple, profitable business. I'll come back to this every time a new idea comes to me. I can run it through its paces to figure out what to pursue and what to abandon. Anyone who wants to start a business should read this.
Key Takeaways
- Test, test, test.
- Simple wins.
- Customer service wins.
- Working a regular job might not be a great long-term financial or life decision.
Memorable Quotes
- Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life.
- value is created when a person makes something useful and shares it with the world.
- Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.
- Good things happen to those who hustle.
- To succeed in a business project, especially one you’re excited about, it helps to think carefully about all the skills you have that could be helpful to others and particularly about the combination of those skills.
- A desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world. —JOHN LE CARRÉ
- The new reality is that working at a job may be the far riskier choice.
- think more about what people really want than about what you think they need.
- As you begin to think like an entrepreneur, you’ll notice that business ideas can come from anywhere.
- The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind. — MAYA ANGELOU
- In the future, marketing will be like sex: Only the losers pay for it.
- Ask three questions for every idea: a. How would I get paid with this idea? b. How much would I get paid from this idea? c. Is there a way I could get paid more than once?
- If you make your business about helping others, you’ll always have plenty of work.
- Value means helping people. If you’re trying to build a microbusiness and you begin your efforts by helping people, you’re on the right track. When you get stuck, ask yourself: How can I give more value? Or more simply: How can I help my customers more?
Rating: 9/10
This is a simple, powerful playbook to starting a simple, profitable business. I'll come back to this every time a new idea comes to me. I can run it through its paces to figure out what to pursue and what to abandon. Anyone who wants to start a business should read this.